The following liturgical ministries at Lyke House are open for student participation:

Lector – Proclaiming the Word of God during Mass
The Lector ministry involves serving God and His people by proclaiming the most important words we speak…The Word of God.
Eucharistic Minister – Distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass
The Eucharistic Ministry involves serving God and His people by insuring the brevity of the Communion Rite of the Eucharistic celebration in relation to other parts of the service.

Altar Server– Assisting the celebrant (priest) during Mass
The acolyte ministry involves serving God and His people at mass by assisting the priest and congregation in praising God as well as they can.
Hospitality Ministers – Welcoming and attending to the needs of guests during Mass
While this may seem like a minor ministry, members of this group are the first people someone sees at mass. They help set the mood for all visitors to feel welcome and wanted. Smiling ministers wanted.

For more information about these ministries and how you can participate in the worship and liturgical experiences at Lyke House, please contact Main Office.

Bowman Scholar Program – This program is named in honor of Sister Thea Bowman.
It is a group of music majors who are invited to help develop the music program at the Center in the spirit of Sr. Thea Bowman.
One of the main goals of this program is to create the foundation for training musicians and artists to serve Catholic parishes. Especially primarily Black congregations, across the nation and around the world.
Dr. Kevin Johnson

For more information about the Bowman Scholar program, please contact Dr. Kevin Johnson, the Director of Worship and Liturgy at