Lyke House Newman Scholar of the Year

Myles Logan-
Ministry Assistant & Graduating Senior a Clark Atlanta University
Who is a Newman Scholar?
A Newman Scholar is a name or title given to a Catholic Student involved in Campus Ministry who exemplifies a person who serves, a person who loves and a person who has encounter Christ. This is a collegian who is engaged in the dialogue between faith and reason and at the same time integrating faith with daily life on the University or College Campus and at the Newman Center, by engaging his peers, in learning his faith, living his faith and loving his faith.
Myles Logan has demonstrated his love for God and Service to the community through his passion for ministry here at the Lyke House and his care for other students who come to join the Lyke House Catholic Community. He brings joy in the ministry of hospitality and in his capacity as a Ministry Assistant. He collaborates with other and is well know nationally amongst other collegians in the Young Leaders Initiatives and the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop. Myles is a symbolic figure of the Lyke House the Catholic Center at the AUC.
It is in lieu of this rich embodiment of love of God, Service to Community, Young Leaders Initiative and Passionate Ministry Assistant that we bestow the title Newman Scholar of the Year to Mr. Myles Logan.