Welcome to the Lyke House Catholic Newman Center at the AUC.
We provide Catholic Campus Ministry for Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, Morehouse College and Georgia State University. We are delighted you are visiting our website. Our goal is Transforming Collegians into Missionary Disciples. Please visit us in person. May God bless you. Fr. Mark
Induction Mass
Honoring Eunice and Sargent Shriver
Principal Celebrant
His Eminence Wilton Cardinal Gregory
February 13 | 5:00 PM
The Lyke House Catholic Center at the Atlanta University Center, the Cathedral of Christ The King and the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel invites you to the Oil Portrait Induction Mass Honoring Eunice Kennedy Shriver and Sargent Shriver for their contribution to International Human and Civil Rights.
Lyke House Celebrates 25 Years of Dedication, Discipleship, and Evangelization
My dear Friends,
Blessings and joy as we celebrate this year of Jubilee, Evangelization, and Missionary Discipleship proclaimed by the Lyke House.
“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy”
(Ps. 126:3).
In this Jubilee Year, we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Lyke House multi-purpose student center named in honor of Archbishop James Patterson Lyke, OFM, the fourth Archbishop of Atlanta.
We were honored to have Archbishop Shelton Joseph Fabre the Metropolitan Archbishop of Louisville Kentucky as our Principal Celebrant. We are so grateful to Archbishop Shelton for the wonderful Silver Jubilee Dedication Mass celebration we had on October 27, 2024. May God Bless Archbishop Shelton and all Participants of Lyke House Silver Jubilee Celebration.
“A Jubilee year is above all the year of Christ, who brings life and grace to humanity.”
It is a year to give thanks to God and return God’s gift with increase by giving back and helping others. Therefore, we are inviting all Alumni to please join us in this year long of great jubilee celebration by making a legacy gift to the Lyke House. Please click this link to be a legacy giver. The Lord loves a cheerful giver and He will divinely multiply your reward.
Blessings and Joy, Fr. Mark

Looking back and giving thanks.
There are many ways you can support Lyke House and its mission, all of which help continue the center’s legacy of love and service to the students, faculty, staff and administration of the Atlanta University Center.